
We are all systemically connected via things, the food we eat and the clothes we wear. Food and objects migrate and cross borders freely. But when people move, boundaries and hierarchies are recorded. Some get access, fulfilled dreams and work others are refused. Parcel is a scenographic installation that, through an 11-course dinner, tells stories about walks and food from very different positions in the system.
The meal is a meeting point that can both bring out the animalistic side in man and motivate absurdly civilized devices and rules for consumption. A dining situation transports you in time and place. Through the food and the way we consume it, a story is told about the systems, hierarchies, dreams and boundaries that some meet and others maintain.
Performed at The Royal Danish Theatre, Skuespilhuset
As part of K:SELEKT
Alaa, Jeanette, Kateryna, Eden, Sammy, Denise, Dongling, Mina, Emil, Michael and Taleb
The collective Samling consists of:
Concept development: Helle Egsgaard and Marie Boye
Sound editing: Nanna Hauge and Astrid Hald
Composers: Julie Østengaard and Nikolaj Gerstenfeldt
Chef: Clea Suhr
Lighting design: Christian Vest
Scenography: Helle Egsgaard and Marie Boye
Stage master: Anders Toft Pedersen
Organization and casting: Helle Egsgaard and Marie Boye
Servers: Karoline Lassen, Anna Kiersgaard, Michelle Bruun Buurskov, Johan Johansen
Instruction of performers: Anne Kristine Elmholt
Dramaturgical consultant: Sonja Ferdinand
Content consultant: Thit Hvidtfeldt
Graphics: William Reynish
Idea: Marie Boye
BIG THANKS TO Marianne Vølund, Inger Eilersen, Hans Lucht, Dorthe Larsen, Katrine Syppli Kohl, Alexander Kjærum, Jonathan Leer, Vinh Hien Do, Fidan Yousef, Svend Skafte Overgaard, Pu Krogh and Anjela Idrissova for your knowledge and contribution.
Thanks to the Statens Kunstfond, The Royal Theatre, the Development Platform for Performing Arts, the Wilhelm Hansen Foundation and Søstrene Grene.